Source code for django_find.serializers.sql

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
from builtins import str
from MySQLdb import escape_string
from ..refs import get_join_for
from .serializer import Serializer
from .util import parse_date, parse_datetime

int_op_map = {'equals': 'equals',
              'contains': 'equals',
              'startswith': 'gte',
              'endswith': 'lte'}

str_op_map = {'gt': 'startswith',
              'gte': 'startswith',
              'lt': 'endswith',
              'lte': 'endswith'}

date_op_map = {'contains': 'equals',
               'startswith': 'gte',
               'endswith': 'lte'}

operator_map = {
    'equals': "='{}'",
    'iequals': " LIKE '{}'",
    'lt': "<'{}'",
    'lte': "<='{}'",
    'gt': ">'{}'",
    'gte': ">='{}'",
    'startswith': " LIKE '{}%%'",
    'endswith': " LIKE '%%{}'",
    'contains': " LIKE '%%{}%%'",
    'regex': " REGEXP '%%{}%%'"}

def _mkcol(tbl, name):
    return tbl+'.'+name+' '+tbl+'_'+name

def _mk_condition(db_column, operator, data):
    op = operator_map.get(operator)
    if not op:
        raise Exception('unsupported operator:' + str(operator))

    # I would prefer to use a prepared statement, but collecting arguments
    # and passing them back along the string everywhere would be awful design.
    # (Also, I didn't find any API from Django to generate a prepared statement
    # without already executing it, e.g. django.db.connection.execute())
    if isinstance(data, int):
        return db_column+op.format(data)
    return db_column+op.format(escape_string(data).decode('utf-8'))

[docs]class SQLSerializer(Serializer):
[docs] def __init__(self, model, mode='SELECT', fullnames=None, extra_model=None): modes = 'SELECT', 'WHERE' if mode not in modes: raise AttributeError('invalid mode: {}. Must be one of {}'.format(mode, modes)) Serializer.__init__(self) self.model = model self.mode = mode self.fullnames = fullnames self.extra_model = extra_model
def _create_db_column_list(self, dom): fullnames = self.fullnames if self.fullnames else dom.get_term_names() result = [] for fullname in fullnames: model, alias = self.model.get_class_from_fullname(fullname) selector = model.get_selector_from_alias(alias) target_model, field = model.get_field_from_selector(selector) result.append((target_model, target_model._meta.db_table, field.column)) return result def _create_select(self, fields): # Create the "SELECT DISTINCT table1.col1, table2.col2, ..." # part of the SQL. select = 'SELECT DISTINCT '+_mkcol(fields[0][1], fields[0][2]) for target_model, table, column in fields[1:]: select += ', '+_mkcol(table, column) # Find the best way to join the tables. target_models = [r[0] for r in fields] if self.extra_model: target_models.append(self.extra_model) vector = self.model.get_object_vector_for(target_models) join_path = get_join_for(vector) # Create the "table1 LEFT JOIN table2 ON table1.col1=table2.col1" # part of the SQL. select += ' FROM '+join_path[0][0] for table, left, right in join_path[1:]: select += ' LEFT JOIN {} ON {}={}'.format(table, table+'.'+left, right) return select
[docs] def logical_root_group(self, root_group, terms): fields = self._create_db_column_list(root_group) # Create the SELECT part of the query. if self.mode == 'SELECT': select = self._create_select(fields)+' WHERE ' else: select = '' where = (' AND '.join(terms) if terms else '1') if where.startswith('(') and where.endswith(')'): select += where else: select += '('+where+')' return select, []
[docs] def logical_group(self, terms): terms = [t for t in terms if t] if not terms: return '' return ' AND '.join(terms)
[docs] def logical_and(self, terms): terms = [t for t in terms if t] if not terms: return '()' return '(' + self.logical_group(terms) + ')'
[docs] def logical_or(self, terms): terms = [t for t in terms if t] if not terms: return '' return '(' + ' OR '.join(terms) + ')'
[docs] def logical_not(self, terms): if not terms: return '' if len(terms) == 1: return 'NOT(' + terms[0] + ')' return 'NOT ' + self.logical_and(terms)
[docs] def boolean_term(self, db_column, operator, data): value = 'TRUE' if data.lower() == 'true' else 'FALSE' return _mk_condition(db_column, operator, value)
[docs] def int_term(self, db_column, operator, data): try: value = int(data) except ValueError: return '1' operator = int_op_map.get(operator, operator) return _mk_condition(db_column, operator, value)
[docs] def str_term(self, db_column, operator, data): operator = str_op_map.get(operator, operator) return _mk_condition(db_column, operator, data)
[docs] def lcstr_term(self, db_column, operator, data): operator = str_op_map.get(operator, operator) if operator == 'equals': operator = 'iequals' return _mk_condition(db_column, operator, data.lower())
[docs] def date_datetime_common(self, db_column, operator, thedatetime): if not thedatetime: return '' operator = date_op_map.get(operator, operator) return _mk_condition(db_column, operator, thedatetime.isoformat())
[docs] def date_term(self, db_column, operator, data): thedate = parse_date(data) return self.date_datetime_common(db_column, operator, thedate)
[docs] def datetime_term(self, db_column, operator, data): thedatetime = parse_datetime(data) return self.date_datetime_common(db_column, operator, thedatetime)
[docs] def term(self, term_name, operator, data): if operator == 'any': return '1' model, alias = self.model.get_class_from_fullname(term_name) selector = model.get_selector_from_alias(alias) target_model, field = model.get_field_from_selector(selector) db_column = target_model._meta.db_table + '.' + field.column handler = model.get_field_handler_from_alias(alias) type_map = {'BOOL': self.boolean_term, 'INT': self.int_term, 'STR': self.str_term, 'LCSTR': self.lcstr_term, 'DATE': self.date_term, 'DATETIME': self.datetime_term} func = type_map.get(handler.db_type) if not func: raise TypeError('unsupported field type: '+repr(field_type)) return func(db_column, operator, handler.prepare(data))